
12 May - Jibe Clinic
* Fundamentals of a fast Jibe / Race Jibe, positioning on wave face, trajectory relative to the buoy.
* Tactics of Jibe, passing and defending.
* Jibing in a fleet.

16 June - Race and Training Etiquette Clinic
* Rules, dos and dont's.
* Priorities on jibe mark.
* Priorities at start line.
* Etiquette of training and drag racing.

14 July - Start Clinic
* Flags sequence
* Positioning yourself before the start and use of start watch.
* Start in a fleet.

18 August - Kit Selection / Tuning Clinic
* Board, Sail and Fin sizes.
* How to match board size with sail and fin sizes according to your weight and height.

15 September - Fitness / Preparation Clinic
* Cardio training
* Weight training
* Balance training
* Speed and agility training